moisturizer with vitamin c and hyaluronic acid

Top 7 Ways of Slowing Down the Aging Process

What is at the root of the aging problem?

There is no denying the fact that aging is what every one of us undergoes, but we tend to have too little information about it. No doubt, most everyone understands that memory loss, muscle loss and wrinkles are all related to aging. However, pockets of people fail to understand its process, reasons behind it, and how to put a stop to it.

Let’s face it: aging refers to natural changes in the body conformation and composition. Just as a kid grows older, his body changes from the way it was, this is also called aging. Some aging accumulates over time due to exposure to external forces such as sunlight, chemicals and a host of other elements.

Aging can be deemed as the sum of natural bodily changes and the direct or indirect impacts of how we look after ourselves. Smoking cigarettes, for example, has been known to affect the aging process. Imagine an individual who exposes his body to a high level of chemicals, aging may occur due to this can be referred to as artificial aging as this is caused by human action.

Though, there are lots of products available now that are expertly manufactured to help handle one’s skin, one of which is Vitamin C Serum. Vitamin C Serum provides pockets of benefits for the skin, it helps in repairing the damaged skin and makes it glow, it also heals the fine lines and wrinkles associated with stress. Aging, as a matter of fact, is the impact of time on the body, and this always occurs on multiple levels.

Types of Aging

  • Cellular aging: the number of times cells replicate determines its aging process. If a cell replicates 50 times before the genetic material fails to copy accurately again, as a result of shortened telomeres, such cell ages faster afterwards. Similarly, the amount of replications that take place depends heavily on the damages done to cells by free radicals too.
  • Accumulated damage: another level through which the impact of time affects the aging process is through accumulated damage. Exposure to the sun, toxins, carbon mono-oxide and smoke takes a great toll on the body and over time, the body ages. This happens as a result of tissue damage associated with long term ill effects of exposure to such harmful external forces.
  • Hormonal aging: just like we were taught in the elementary school, hormone levels fluctuate throughout life. The roles hormones play in the aging process can never be overemphasized. As you get older, acne and larger pores surface and don’t be surprised that dry skin is as a result of hormonal changes too.
  • Metabolic aging: the anabolic and catabolic processes the body undergoes wear a body out with time. Breaking sugar complexes down to generate chemical energy is by far a tedious work the body assume every blessed day and as this continues, body ages.

There is absolutely nothing you can do about growing older. It is inevitable to happen to everyone as there is no discrimination in aging. However, there are several measures with which you can use to slow down the aging process. Below are the top seven ways of slowing down the aging process.

7 Steps to Slow Aging

  1. Eat well: the ill-effects of technological advancements in our daily nutrition is so apparent. Nowadays, we hear about a series of terminal diseases and disorders due to poor diet. Processed food is the order of the day; sugar, salt and fat are also wreaking havoc on the other hand. Despite all these prevailing conditions in our environment, there are still people who are leading great lives due to their adopting a great nutritional approach. We talk about vegan keto nowadays, intermittent fasting and all, try this and you will see how beautiful and healthy you will be.
  2. Avoid smoking: the truth is, smokers are not only liable to die young, but they are also liable to age faster. These days, you see people opting for vaping instead of smoking, you know what? It is still the same, avoid taking smoke at all, and you will not grow older rapidly again. The risk of developing cancer is also reduced, and there is improved circulation when you avoid smoking.
  3. Always exercise: engaging in an exercise in humans can be likened to applying grease to the rusty part in engines. It is crucial to leading and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You don’t have to run through all the streets in your neighborhood if you can maintain 15 to 30 minutes of activity each day, it suffices, and you are good to go.

    If you still don’t have much time due to your deadlines at work, try to walk your dog, ride a bike or opt for a fitness class as these will help you against aging.

  4. Always socialize: are you thinking what has socialization got to do with slowing the aging process? If yes, don’t again as socialization keep us younger. It does magic as far as longevity is a concern too. Try always to stay connected to your loved ones, and before you know it, you will be shining like a star without any visible signs of aging spots.
  5. Get enough sleep: many people think being busy is equal to productivity. People like this joke that they will sleep when they are no more. Please stop! Irrespective of your job function, always get enough sleep as this helps in elongating your life and keep you shining.
  6. Avoid stress: avoiding stress, anger and holding malice can be very helpful. Do all that you can to prevent unnecessary stress throughout your life, if you do, you are blessed by GOD as this will help you in getting younger. Also, another thing you can do is to introduce meditation into your day to day activity.
  7. Anti-aging solutions: nowadays, people now realize that high-priced procedures are not necessarily the best product. There are anti-aging solutions that can help in the treatment of your already burned skins. They are quite effective and with the use of these anti-aging solutions such as Hawaiian Lightening Brightening Cream, hyperpigmentation and dark discoloration caused by high insolation of the sun is well reduced, thereby making your skin glows.


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